Wednesday, May 22, 2013

VK8NSB(Australia) on 20m CW!!!

VK8NSB(Australia) on 20m CW!!!

QSL image for VK8NSB
VK8NSB Australia flag Australia 
STUART (Stuie)
Darwin Northern Territory (Outback Australia)
* QSL Manager: M0URX *

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   74632 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: M0URX

20130522 1144UTC 14005kHz VK8NSB
Date : 22/May/2013 1144UTC
Freq : 14005kHzkHz CW
Rig  : KENWOOD TS-870S
PC recording

Tnx fer QSO.. Vy nice sig in JA!!!

Lookups74632 (76954)
Last Update2011-11-05 05:44:29
Latitude-12.374883 (12° 22' 29'' S)
Longitude130.901947 (130° 54' 7'' E)
Grid SquarePH57kp
Geo SourceUser supplied
Bearing184.8° S (from JJ5IZX)
Distance3175.9 mi (5111.1 km)
Long Path21680.9 mi (34892.1 km)
Sunrise21:27:49 UTC
Sunset08:58:06 UTC
ITU Zone55
CQ Zone29
IOTAOC-001 Australia
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

Stuie VK8NSB in his shack Dec 2011 (I love IOTA)

Dxpedition : 4W6A - 16-26 Sep 2011 - (41361 QSO's)

4W6A Team on Atauro Island OC-232 Timor Leste - 16-26 Sept 2011 (41361 QSO's)
(Left to Right - Steve 9M6DXX,Ant MW0JZE,Bernd VK2IA,Stuie VK8NSB,John 9M6XRO,Tim M0URX & Oliver VK8DX)
Great bunch of guys and we really had a great time on this Dxpedition.
Couple of Photo's of myself on Atauro Island OC-232 Timor Leste. I get good pileups as a VK8 but nothing compares to having the call sign 4W6A

4W6A Station Tour on You Tube done by Ant MW0JZE (Team Member 4W6A)

On behalf of the 4W6A team, 73,s & catch you on the next one .
4W6A Team Leader
Stuie VK8NSB (4W6SB)

G'day Im Stuart,(Stuie) from Darwin Northern Territory Australia (Outback Australia). I hope you enjoy the text & pics here on Please if you have any Questions about information on my page here please don't hesitate to e-mail myself, I don't have any web pages any more, I keep updated with all the information about myself.
VK8NSB/P Picture above right on the main menu is myself on Groote Eylandt OC-141 in 1994, See I did have hair once

LiveStream : (Not always on air) LiveStream to VK8NSB Shack, just click here to see if Stuart is online :
Skype: I am running SKYPE again in the shack but I will not advertise my username - I use to have SKYPE but had too many people (idiots) just adding me for the fun of it, if you are a Amateur and would like to have me on your SKYPE (which I don't mind at all) please e-mail me your username. Sorry to ask you to e-mail me but I had all the chat programs in the past and just got bombarded with rubbish from everyone, so now I only allow Amateurs.
IRLP Node : When in the shack and not operating DX (work DX with Headphones on) I monitor IRLP Node 6343 VK8RTE - owned by Mark VK8MS.
YouTube : Watch Stuie operating 15m PSK into Europe while in QSO on 2m Echolink with VK2BEN (Ben) - Operating via IPhone to Echolink and livestream also turned on in the shack. -

My Elmer's (Mentor's) :
I would like to thank 2 great mates, Henry VK8HA (SK) my CW Mentor & Ex QSL Manager and just a legend Dxer and Neil VK6NE (SK) Great mate & Ex QSL Manager for there continue help over the years. Without the help of these guys I would not be on air today to enjoy this great hobby

I believe in the DX Code of Conduct & adhere to all its rules, please take the time to look at the DX Code of Conduct at
All I can say about Code of Conduct is '' LISTEN , LISTEN and then LISTEN again .

Radio Station:
HF : Yaesu's FT-2000,(Audio Equipment - W2IHY 8 band Equalizer & EQ Plus with Heil Pro IC5) - Main Dx Rig, FT897D ( Digital) & FT890 SSTV Repeater.
VHF/UHF : Icom IC910H (with 23cm UX-910), Icom ID-800H (Dstar Dualbander) & Icom IC-T90A 6m,2m,70cm HH - Use with Hand Held Arrow Antenna.
Mobile : Equipment is set up in my Proton Saavy, pictured below.
Yaesu FT857D with Seperation kit (Radio under Pax seat), 2m/70cm glass antenna (on Windscreen) & HVT 400B HF/VHF/UHF Mobile whip at rear of vehicle, work all bands 80m-70cm
Towers & Antennas:
Tower 1 : (12m high) : 80m/40m 1/2 wave Dipole system - 2 x 80m & 2 x 40m Switchable - SW/NE (Africa / North America) & NW/SE (Europe / VK/ZL) 6 element long spaced Werner Wulf Dualband Yagi for 15m / 10m , Rotor is Kenpro KR-400. 2m Mobile whip for the APRS system on 145:175Mhz & 6db, UHF CB vertical.
Tower 2 : (10m high) : 3 element Coman Monobander for 20m, Rotor is Kenpro KR-400, GP-50 2m/70cm base vertical & discone (Rx Ant for Netset scanner) & the 10m Vertical for SSTV Repeater.
Tower 3 : (8m high) : Cushcraft A503 3 Element Yagi for 6m & 2m above this beam is a 1/4 wave vertical for 6m.
Satelite Antenna's : 6m telescopic mast on the roof of the house (8.5m total height) with a Yaesu G-5500 AZ/EL rotor with (All Yagis are Horizontal) 1 x 10 element high gain yagi for 2m & 1 x 17 element high gain yagi for 70cm & 18 element yagi for 23cm, mainly used for Satts (RX mostly) but interested in VHF/UHF DX/EME also using WSJT Modes.
1 x Gap Titan DX Multiband Vertical 80-10m, located on the carport roof (Antenna jack 2 on FT-2000)

Portable Equipment : (Used for field days / Dxpeditions)
Antenna's: 2 x Coman Multiband Verticals 80-10m & 1 x Chirnside trapped Vertical (80-10m) - Hygain Dipole - 160-10m
Misc Equipment: 1 x 12m Spiderbeam pole & 2 x 10m squid poles. Coax - 2 x 25m RG58 & 3 x 30m RG213.

I don't know how my XYL puts up with all these Antenna's up in the Air over the house, she has said no more, but there is room for 1 more tower (3 elements on 40m maybe), just have to put it up without telling her, she won't notice 1 more will she


Amateur Radio Service's I provide from the QTH to the Amateur Community:

Note : During the wet season I do shut down the systems during tropical storms, wet season is Oct - May, so if you don't hear it , you know Darwin is having Storms.
APRS DARWIN : Status: Operational ( No longer running )
Operational since July 2005 running Phillips FM-93 (5 watts) for APRS running 24/7 on 145.175, WEF April 13, I have turned the APRS system off for the moment from this QTH and not sure if I will get it back up and running in the future.

** Alan VK8AB runs a 30m HF APRS RX ONLY IGATE on 10.147.60Mhz USB **

DARWIN SSTV Repeater Status: ( Operational )
Operational since 6 Jun 2010, my dream to run a SSTV Repeater has finally come true. Now operational running an FT-890 with 30 watts into a 10m Vertical up above the 3 element 20m Yagi on the 10m tower. Software is MMSTV, Hardware is Rigblaser Nomic. VK8NSB SSTV Repeater Beacons in Scottie 1 mode with a different picture (18 in total) every 60 minutes. Freq to listen for the Beacon is 28.700 USB & too see if there is probagation in Darwin listen out on 28.268 for VK8VF beacon and to arm the repeater is 1750Hz. Have fun with the system & if you need help or interested in learning more about this mode please don't hesitate to drop me an e-mail. Yes there are plans to have a SSTV Webpage up and running one day, I just have to learn how to do it & also get the time - If your interested in helping me with VK8NSB SSTV webpage please feel free to e-mail me.
I have been involved in Radio since I was about 12 years old and have always had a interest in Radio, was not licenced until I was 23 years old in Oct 1993, and yes I was a CBer in the 80's - had a ball. I have always held the Callsign VK8NSB (Don't think I will ever change it) & even held the call sign VK4NSB for 1 year in 1994 when I was studying in Queensland. As you can tell by all the Radio's / Antenna's the XYL allows me to have up over the house I am a very active Amateur & am active on 80m,40m,20m,15m,10m, 6m, 2m, 70cm & 23cm (No 160m or WARC bands) on all modes these days, I do favour CW / Digital modes more these days & for the Digital modes I use MixW software & MMSTV for SSTV, I use Orbitron for Satellite Dxing, enjoy listening to the beacons on the Satellites and sometimes work them. On HF I am a DX addict chasing DXCC / IOTA (Main Interest) on the HF bands and lately started playing more and more finding and working DX on the LP probagation on the HF bands, its fun working someone on the LP. I understand VK8, Zone 29 is required for DX Awards and seems to be rare as everytime I get on air I seem to attract a pileup (people say Zoo into EU). I have never really got into contest's, but now and then I appear on air and give out a few numbers, but to be honest I just can't dedicate the time over a weekend with 2 kids and my big back yard to look after. if you hear me on please say G'day and let me know what your up to in your part of world.

Best things I have done in my life
1. Watching the Birth of my 2 children & continuing to see them grow each day.
2. Meeting my XYL ( Amazing Woman, I am a very lucky man )
3. 4W6A Dxpedition to Atauro Island OC-232 Timor Leste - Sept 16-26 2011 (Great Team of Guys)
4. Going to Dayton USA for the Amateur Radio Convention 2010 ( Awesome experience - Thanks Matt VK2DAG )
5. Hiking to Base Camp Mount Everest - 1996 ( Great experience - amazing place )

Things I still would like to do in my life
(1) Complete the Kakoda trial - PNG WW2 Walk
(2) Go on another Multi team Dxpedition - To a very rare location
(3) Do another Dayton Trip -- Planning 2015 See you there .

DXCC / IOTA & Special Call signs :
I have been involved over the years with many Special callsigns such as:

IOTA DXPEDITIONS 1993 - 1999 ( 7 IOTA Dxpeditions )
1. VK8NSB/P & VK8NGE - Groote Eylandt OC-141 (4 Visits)
2. VK8MI & VK8ML - Melville Island OC-173 (2 Visits)
3. VK8CI - Croker Island OC-229 (1 Visit)

I have been active (used Ham Radio) in DXCC Countries:
Japan(JA), New Zealand (ZL), Germany (DL), England (G), Denmark (OZ), U.S.A, (W7) and Timor Leste (4W).
Countries I have visited but not operated Amateur Radio from are :
Indonesia(YB),Fiji (3D2), East Malaysia (9M6), Hongkong (VR2),Canada (VE),Turkey (TA),Thailand (HS), Singapore (9V),Brunei(V85), Xmas Island (VK9X),
Maldives(8Q), Taiwan (BV), France (F),Sweden(SM) ,Belguim (ON), Nepal, (9N), (Base Camp Everest - 1996),Iraq (YI), Kuwait (9K), Qatar (A7) & the UAE (A61).

2011 Dxpedition - 4W6A (16-26 Sept 11) Team Leader


** NO EQSL ** Please don't send QSL Cards to me, I don't hold any here in Darwin.
QSL INFO : QSL Manager is Tim ** M0URX ** Tim's homepage is -
QSL Request Form - easy way for you to request a QSL Card for VK8NSB is to visit Tims home page and electronically request one.
Thanks to Tim M0URX for taking over the role as QSL Manage after my long time mate and QSL Manger Neil VK6NE passed away Sep 2010. I am not interested in QSL cards any more except the DXCC or IOTA cards that I need.Tim receives my log updates weekly via e-mail & place's them on the online log service on his webpage, so you can check online to make sure you have actually worked me before you send a card. Tim is in complete control of my QSL side of Amateur Radio so please address your QSL issue's to Tim via e-mail please
VK8NSB LOG SEARCH: Note Logs are updated Weekly :

Past QSL Managers - Mates & Mentors
Henry VK8HA (SK) Amateur Radio Mentor & Legend CW Operator - QSL Manager from 1993 to 2000
Neil VK6NE (SK) great Mate - QSL Manager from 2000 to 29 Sep 2010.
Thanks Henry, Neil, both you guys are always missed.

Since being licenced I have collected many awards and certificates and have actually won a few contest's, but I am no longer interested in claiming awards except for my IOTA upgrades.
With effect 12 May 2013, my current totals for DXCC and IOTA are:
DXCC: #332
IOTA: #614 (will be claming for IOTA #600 soon)
Mixed DXCC Totals:
80m 40m 20m 15m 10m
#103 #196 #276 #324 #299

Amateur Radio Conventions attended:
1995 - Tokyo Japan Hamfest
1996 - Brisbane (Australia) Hamfest
2003 & 2007 & 2011 - Wyong Field day (Australia) Only attend every 4 years, see you in 2015.

Myself with Dick Smith (VK2DIK) at 2007 Wyong.

2010 - Dayton Hamvention (USA) - Awesome experience - Must do for every Ham, I will go again
Couple of photos below of the Dayton Hamvention 2010.

(1) Myself with K0IR (Ralph) (2) VK8NSB Operating W8BI (3) Myself with W0GJ (Glenn) (4) Myself with WP4U (Carlos)

(1) Myself with N0AX (Ward) (2) Myself with VU2PAI (Pai) (3) Myself with WA1S (Ann) (4) Matt (VK2DAG) & Myself with Mike (K7IR) Mr SteppIR
(1) Matt (VK2DAG) Richard (KL7RA) & Myself (2) Jim (AA0JM) & Myself (3) Mr Heil '' Bob K9IED & Myself
Double Trouble from VK - VK2DAG (Matt) & myself in the flea Market at Dayton 2010
What a weekend, thanks to my good Mate Matt VK2DAG I had the experience of a lifetime (AWESOME). From the flea-market to the people the entire weekend was just amazing, G'day to everyone I meet (I shook hands with allot of Amateurs) - Too many to name you all but look forward to seeing you next time or working you on the bands.
Ok other interest, well I am a Touch Football Referee in the Darwin City Competition & enjoy touch football, I class myself as very fit these days, I lost 30+ KG's in 2011 and now run most days. I enjoy Gardening (I have a very large garden too look after here). I also love playing with my 2 kids, son Ashley 9 yrs & daughter Jamie-Leigh 7 yrs old & off course I enjoy spending time with my XYL (Rach) who puts up with this hobby off mine & all the towers and antenna's in the air over the house, oh and the back room which is now just for Radio's (Man room) . Ohh Yeah I love my Rugby League Footy & support the Brisbane Bronco's . Queenslanders rule Ok thats about it from me in Darwin, I hope to catch you on Air one day and remember, Enjoy Amateur Radio & have fun.
73,s & look forward to talking to you one day on Air, please take care and be safe.
Stuie VK8NSB
( or
Mobile Phone : 0408 423225
Accommodation in Darwin.
If your planning on passing thru Darwin drop me an e-mail or call the Mobile & if I am able too we can catch up for a coffee or a beer, or even put you up for a night or too at the QTH (1 x Queen bed available in guest room).
Please provide at least a weeks notice.

Darwin Northern Territory Australia
Zone - 29, ITU - 55, GRID Locator - PH57KP
Organisations / Clubs I support :
Radio Society of Great Britain Islands On the Air (IOTA)
Northern American QRP CW Club (NAQCC) - #122

FS/G3SXW(St. Martin) on 20m CW!!!

FS/G3SXW(St. Martin) on 20m CW!!!

QSL image for G3SXW
G3SXW England flag England 

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   42229 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: G3SXW

20130522 0921UTC 14024.5kHz FS/G3SXW
Date : 22/May/2013 0921UTC
Freq : 14024.5kHzkHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Ummmmmmmmm.........  Too far  : (

Roger Western. Licensed in1964. CQ Contest Hall of Fame Nr 30 May 1998, CQ DX Hall of Fame May 2007.Subscriber to the "DX Code of Conduct":
HomeCall-Signs, current: G3SXW, G0AAA, GX0AAA, M5A. Past: EP2IA.
major DXpeditions in red - CQWWCW contest DXpeditions in green
Operator at: 1A0KM, 4U1ITU,4U1UN, 5B4ES, GB95MGY, GB100MGY, GR100MGY, HV0A etc.
Member: Radio Society of Great Britain; Chiltern DX Club; GM-DX Group; Torbay ARS; Central Arizona DXA; Wey Valley ARG; Echelford ARS, Silcoates School ARC; First Class CW Operators' Club (Life Vice-President).
QSL Manager for 3X5A, 5U5Z, 9L5A, 9L5VT, EL2A, GR100MGY, TZ5A, XT2DX. RSGB QSL Bureau Sub-Manager for G3SAA-SZZ.
"Up Two - Adventures of a DXpeditioner" (2003, 240 pages, 22 DXpeditions)
"Contesting in Africa, Multi-Multi on the Equator" (2004, 190 pages,10 years of the VooDoo Contest Group)
"Micro-DXpeditioning Uncovered" (2008, 100 pages, 17 mini DXpeditions)
"DX Delights, Tales of Travels with my Radio" (2009, 128 pages, 62 DXpeditioning anecdotes).
E-mail for details.

Home location: 51°21'47" North, 0°18'58" West.
Married to Virginia. One son, Russell, married to Jade, living in NY state, Carolyn and James grand-children. Interests: CW, HF, Contesting, DXing, DXpeditioning, DXFC (see:, talking to clubs.

Saint Martin

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saint Martin (FrenchSaint-MartinDutchSint Maarten) is an island in the northeastCaribbean, approximately 300 km (190 mi) east of Puerto Rico. The 87 km2 island is divided roughly 60/40 between France (53 km2)[1] and the Kingdom of the Netherlands (34 km2);[2] they are roughly equal in population. It is one of the smallest sea islands divided between two nations, a division dating to 1648. The southern Dutch part comprises Sint Maarten and is one of four constituent countries that form the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The northern French part comprises the Collectivité de Saint-Martin (Collectivity of St. Martin) and is an overseas collectivity of France.
On January 1, 2009 the population of the entire island was 77,741 inhabitants, with 40,917 living on the Dutch side,[3] and 36,824 on the French side.[4]
Collectively, the two territories are known as "St-Martin / St Maarten". Sometimes SXM, theIATA identifier for Princess Juliana International Airport (the island's main airport), is used to refer to the island.

9Y4LAS(Trinidad and Tobago) on 20m USB!!!

9Y4LAS(Trinidad and Tobago) on 20m USB!!!

QSL image for 9Y4LAS
9Y4LAS Trinidad and Tobago flag Trinidad and Tobago 
Andy Samlal
58 De Gannes Village,
Trinidad and Tobago

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   118754 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: DIRECT ONLY PLEASE! - $2.00 US & SAE

20130522 0544UTC 14216kHz 9Y4LAS
Date : 21/May/2013 1254UTC
Freq : 14216kHzkHz USB
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Lookups118754 (118970)
Last Update2013-05-04 03:16:48
Latitude10.141931 (10° 8' 30'' N)
Longitude-61.567383 (61° 34' 2'' W)
Grid SquareFK90fd
Geo SourceUser supplied
Bearing20.9° NNE (from JJ5IZX)
Distance9255.5 mi (14895.3 km)
Long Path15601.3 mi (25107.9 km)
Sunrise09:44:03 UTC
Sunset22:21:42 UTC
ITU Zone11
CQ Zone9
IOTASA-011 Trinidad
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(1) 9Y4LAS
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

K7FOC(United states) on 20m CW!!!

K7FOC(United states) on 20m CW!!!

QSL image for K7FOC
NW Chapter First Class CW Operators Club
18208 NE 21st St
Redmond, WA 98053

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   2348

20130522 0505UTC 14027.3kHz K7FOC
Date : 22/May/2013 0505UTC
Freq : 14027.3kHzkHz CW
Rig  : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording

Tnx fer Nice contact..I got you then I got 50 point!!!

                                 Thank you so much...FOC75 Awards Best 73's : )

Lookups2348 (3354)
Last Update2013-03-05 18:26:37
ClassClub Codes: HVBF
Latitude47.629831 (47° 37' 47'' N)
Longitude-122.029480 (122° 1' 46'' W)
Grid SquareCN87xp
Geo SourceUser supplied
US StateWashington
US CountyKing
Bearing42.7° NE (from JJ5IZX)
Distance5131.7 mi (8258.7 km)
Long Path19725.1 mi (31744.5 km)
Sunrise12:22:58 UTC
Sunset03:46:30 UTC
GMT Offset-8 hours
ULS Record3364052 FCC page...
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?Yes (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(0)
KF7UNP+ Previous callsign
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

This year the F.O.C. will celebrate its 75th anniversary. A number of different members in the 7th call area will be using the K7FOC call sign during the month of May, 2013, to celebrate the event. A number of other special FOC call signs will also be operating on the bands during May.

***During the Month of May the K7FOC call sign operator assignments will be as follows:
KF7E - May 1 – May 11
W7GKF – May 12 – May 22
AC2K – May 23 – May 31

Founded in 1938 and with its roots, history and management in the UK, the First Class CW Operators' Club (FOC) promotes good CW (Morse code) operating, activity, friendship and socializing via its worldwide membership of approximately 500. Members are active on all HF bands and the character of the club is best expressed in its motto:
"A man should keep his friendship in constant repair" - Samuel Johnson (1755).

• Foster and encourage a high standard of CW operating ability and behavior on the amateur bands.
• Observe the license conditions and principles of band planning.
• Be considerate to other amateurs at all times.
• Protect the future of the hobby through being active, encouraging newcomers and supporting a national society.
 For more information including how to become a member, please visit the Club's own site at

K7FOC Trustee - AC2K, Redmond, Washington