9M6/KM0O(East Malaysia) on 20m CW!!!
Anthony J Wanschura
219 E Annapolis St
Saint Paul, MN 55118
[+] Mailing label
Lookups: 17312 Ham Member
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20130306 1331UTC 14023.5kHz 9M6/KM0O
Date : 06/Mar/2013 1331UTC
Freq : 14023.5kHz CW
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
PC recording
Tnx fer CW QSO 73's : )
Equipment:Elecraft K2 and K3 with P3; YaesuQuadra and Heath SB220;Cushcraft X9 at 50 feet, 40m rotary dipole, 80m inverted vee, 1/4 sloper for 160m.
For 9M6/KM0O March 2013: Logs will be on LOTW shortly after 21 March 2013. QSL via bureau to KM0O.
For 9M6/KM0O 24 - 30 November 2010. QSL direct, via bureau, or LOTW.
I AM NOT QSL MANAGER FOR 9M6LSC; except for November 2009 and 2010 only.
6 -9 March 2008 9M6LSCoperation by Brian, 5B4AIZ / G4ODV: QSL via G3SWH. See
http://www.g3swh.org.uk. All other 9M6LSC operations:QSL via JN1WTK
For 9M6LSC 24-30 November 2010 ONLY. QSL via bureau or direct. Because of my travel schedule, I cannot respond to QSLs until after April of 2011. 9M6LSC QSOs will not be available on LOTW.
For 9M6LSC 25 - 30 November 2009 ONLY. I will automatically confirm all QSOs via the bureau. I DO NOT NEED YOUR CARD. If for some reason you need a card direct, you may send your QSL plus SASE or SAE with one green stamp to: Anthony J Wanschura, 219 E Annapolis St., Saint Paul, MN 55118, USA. All cards have been mailed as of March 10, 2010. I will continue to respond to direct requests that include SAE and postage
For XU7MWA: As of March, 2009, I have sent QSLs to all stations worked in and around the 2006 CQWW CW contest. All cards received with SAE and postage were responded to directly. All other cards were sent via the bureau. All stations worked should have received a card by now. If you have not yet received a card, any further request should be made DIRECT to me, and should include SAE and postage.
XU7MWA: For the 2007 CQWW CW contest, I will send a QSL upon receipt of your card.
For HS0ZJN: QSL via KM0O
For CP6/KM0O (November 2004): I have a few cards left.
Tony, KM0O / XU7MWA / HS0ZJN