Friday, January 11, 2013

YO8NR(Romania) on 20m CW!!!

YO8NR(Romania) on 20m CW!!!

YO8NR Romania flag Romania 
Vasile Anton
Str. Bd. George Enescu Nr.34, Bl.D72, Sc.C, Ap.9
Suceava, RO 720233

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   2953 Ham Member

20130111 0658UTC 14002kHz YO8NR

Date : 11/Jan/2013 0658UTC 
Freq : 14002kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Thanks fer QSO.. ur nice signal...73's : )

Oh Tnx arrived!!!

Lookups2953 (4594)
Last Update2012-08-08 13:56:21
Latitude47.644401 (47° 38' 39'' N)
Longitude26.240304 (26° 14' 25'' E)
Grid SquareKN37cp
Geo SourceUser supplied
Bearing318.7° NW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance5270.4 mi (8481.9 km)
Long Path19586.4 mi (31521.3 km)
Sunrise06:01:23 UTC
Sunset14:43:51 UTC
ITU Zone28
CQ Zone20
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?Yes (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(1) YO8NR
YO8BDUPrevious callsign
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

C6AVA(Bahamas) on 20m CW!!!

C6AVA(Bahamas) on 20m CW!!!

C6AVA Bahamas flag Bahamas Eric Hilding


[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   3054 Ham Member

20130110 2213UTC 14040.9kHz C6AVA
Date : 10/Jan/2013 2213UTC 
Freq : 14040.9kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

C6AVA Licensee/Operator: K6VVA
Scheduled for 7 - 11 December 2012:  IOTA NA-054 (Berry Islands)

The Bahamas Listeni/bəˈhɑːməz/, officially the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, is a country consisting of more than 3,000 islandscays and islets in the Atlantic Ocean, north of Cuba and Hispaniola (the Dominican Republicand Haiti), northwest of the Turks and Caicos Islands and southeast of the US state of Florida. Its capital isNassau on the island of New Providence. Geographically, the Bahamas lie in the same island chain as Cuba, Hispaniola and the Turks and Caicos Islands; the designation of "Bahamas" usually refers to the country and not the geographic chain. The country's population, numbering around 354,000, lives on a land area of 13,939 km2(5,382 sq mi).
Originally inhabited by the Lucayans, a branch of the Arawakan-speaking Taino people, the Bahamas were the site of Columbus' first landfall in the New World in 1492. Although the Spanish never colonized the Bahamas, they shipped the native Lucayans to slavery in Hispaniola. The islands were mostly deserted from 1513 until 1648, when English colonists from Bermuda settled on the island of Eleuthera.
The Bahamas became a Crown Colony in 1718 when the British clamped down on piracy. After the American War of Independence, thousands of American Loyalists and enslaved Africans moved to the Bahamas and set up a plantation economy. The slave trade was abolished in the British Empire in 1807 and many Africans liberated from slave ships by the Royal Navy were settled in the Bahamas during the 19th century. Slavery itself was abolished in 1834 and the descendants form the majority of the Bahamas's population today.
In terms of GDP per capita, the Bahamas is one of the richest countries in the Americas (following the United States and Canada).[8]

PA4VHF(Netherlands) on 30m CW!!!

PA4VHF(Netherlands) on 30m CW!!!

QSL image for PA4VHF
PA4VHF Netherlands flag Netherlands 
Dick Van der Knaap
Wolfkaterweg 66
7554 PN Hengelo

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   28838 Ham Member

20130110 2125UTC 10109kHz PA4VHF
Date : 10/Jan/2013 2125UTC 
Freq : 10109kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Thanks for looking me up.
Curentlyusing 17el. cushcraft (17B2) for 144MHz, 7 el LFA for 50MHz both 9.5m boom and a 6el DK7ZB for 4m.
For HF: Optibeam OB12-6spec . modified for operation on 30(instead of 40m)to 10m, and FD4 mainly for 40m .
On 80m using an inverted-L.the 160m inverted-L is only 10m vertical and about 30m horizontal
4 RX flags 5x10m for 160-80-40 and 30m
Rig is a K3 with amplifier on HF and 6m, and a TS850s+LT2s and amp. on 144MHz.
4m station is a home made oz2m transverter with home-made PA.
160m DXCC #2029
Due to the number of QSO's I make, I decide to answer all incoming bureau cards, instead of sending out a card for every QSO. If I receive a bureau card I will check if we worked on other bands in the mean time, and add them on the card too.
If you wish to QSL-direct, please don't forget to send an self adressed envelope and sufficient return postage. Normally 2 green stamps(2$) should be enough.
Cards received without return postage or cards received with IRC will be answered via the bureau.
Please NO IRC's!! It is very difficult for me to change them at our postoffice.
sending IRC's is about the same as sending no return postage; they are worthless for me as I can NOT exchange them!!!!!
(for some reason stations from Japan keep sending IRC's instead of $$.sorry but I will answer these cards via the bureau from now on)
At the moment I am not using e-QSL or similair. I prefer the good old PAPER card!
Glad to work you, and see you on other bands
Dick, PA4VHF

Member PA6Z ( contestgroup where I am the leading person for the160m station. pedition to Guernsey 23-30 oktober 2011

Lookups28838 (39305)
Last Update2008-08-10 12:44:57
Grid SquareJO32je
Geo SourceFrom Grid
Bearing330.5° NNW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance5712.9 mi (9194.0 km)
Long Path19143.9 mi (30809.2 km)
Sunrise07:40:55 UTC
Sunset15:35:43 UTC
Admin For(2) PA3FJY PA4VHF
PA3FJYPrevious callsign
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

GW3YDX(Wales) on 40m CW!!!

GW3YDX(Wales) on 40m CW!!!

GW3YDX Wales flag Wales 
Four Crosses SY22 6RJ

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   55151 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: NO BURO, $2 OR 1 IRC REQUIRED FOR ALL QSL'S INC EU

20130110 2056UTC 7007.5kHz GW3YDX
Date : 10/Jan/2013 2056UTC 
Freq : 7007.5kHz CW
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

Very short..

QSL Cards -
I do not collect QSL cards, but I will reply to them if you send them to me.
I have not been in the QSL bureau for many years. If you send me a QSL via the bureau you will not get a reply. If you send me an E-QSL, I am not interested in them, and you will not get a reply.
The ***ONLY WAY*** to get a card from GW3YDX is DIRECT
Unfortunately the British Post Office now charges the same for mail to Europe as to the rest of the world
So to get a QSL please - QSL direct with $2 or2 IRC. For Europe and Worldwide.
I do not like IRC's. They are a pain in the ass and it takes up time to change them at the Post Office. If you MUST send IRC's, TWO IRC's are required for QSLing. One IRC is NOT ENOUGH.
History -------
Licenced Feb 69 (G3YDX) Moved to GW in 1978
160m DXCC # 27 (Feb 84), 160m WAS # 348 (Apr 86)
Both well before packet, low-band chat, etc. Done the old hard way.
1st EU to win world top CQWW 160 CW. Top EU ARRL Phone contest. World top CQWW CW 80m. Many RSGB contest wins.
I am now more inclined to ragchew on CW on HF, and do some casual DXing from time to time.

Lookups55151 (63870)
Last Update2012-08-31 12:36:52
Latitude52.755789 (52° 45' 20'' N)
Longitude-3.078039 (3° 4' 40'' W)
Grid SquareIO82ls
Geo SourceUser supplied
Bearing335.6° NNW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance5940.4 mi (9560.2 km)
Long Path18916.4 mi (30443.0 km)
Sunrise08:21:15 UTC
Sunset16:17:47 UTC
Web Page
QSL by Mail?Yes (e.g. Will this ham QSL by Postal Mail?)
QSL by eQSL?No (e.g. Will this ham QSL with eQSL?)
Uses LOTW?No (e.g. Does this ham use ARRL's LOTW ?)
Admin For(2) GW3YDX GW5R
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

V5/DJ2HD(Namibia) on 40m LSB-2!!!

V5/DJ2HD(Namibia) on 40m LSB-2!!!

DJ2HD Germany flag Germany 

Mathias Mueller
Friedrich-Schiller-Weg 5
Neulingen 75245

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   72780 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: VIA BUREAU OR DIRECT

20130110 2018UTC 7199kHz V5/DJ2HD
Date : 10/Jan/2013 2018UTC 
Freq : 7199kHz LSB
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

some JA's try to QSO ...and Got him!!

updated 29.12.2012
=> I'll be back in V5 (Namibia) from the 22th of December 2012 until the 12th of January 2013 as V5/DJ2HD.
Operation takes place from 10m down to 160m. I will try to be QRV on 6m (around 50.110 Mhz) again. The grid square will be announced later. Make a PileUp more enjoyable with the DX Code Of ConductPileup recordings are welcome. Pse sent it via email.
=> I'll be a team member of the upcoming TX5K DX-pedition to Clipperton Isl. in Feb./March 2013.

Hello my name is Mathew,
I'm licenced since 1998, with the first callsign DG1MUE. I upgraded my licence in 2002 because I was eager to operate on the shortwave bands and on the upcoming Northcape expedition as well. So I had only 3 month for the CW training to pass the exam. I received my class 1 licence with the callsign DJ2HD on April 18th, 2002 and one day after we started to the North Cape expedition just in time. Ever since I fell in love with the DXpeditioning. I like portable activities, running pileups, contests and experimenting with different types of antennas. I'm active on all shortwave bands and also VHF / UHF. My main operation modes are SSB, CW, RTTY and also from time to time satellite tracking.

The picture above shows my second location with an Optibeam OB12-6 and different antennas for UHF and VHF and also some dishes and wires for the other bands. The mast is located on the terrace of the building.

Due to my activity I encouraged my dad Manfred to apply also for a ham licence. He is listening on
I'm the responsible of the conteststation DR2W located at the University of Applied Sciences in the city of Karlsruhe.
I'm a member of the DARC district group A07 Karlsruhe.
Other Calls / Activities: A35DJ, ZL/DJ2HD, 3V8SM, OE/DJ2HD, SV8/DJ2HD, F/DJ2HD, EA7/DJ2HD, EA8/DJ2HD, SM/DJ2HD, SM9/DJ2HD, LA/DJ2HD, LA9/DJ2HD, OH/DJ2HD, OH9/DJ2HD, HB9/DJ2HD, DA2005LH, DA0RM, PA/DJ2HD, DL0DM, DA2006LH, DR06SOCCER, DR2W, W2/DJ2HD, W3/DJ2HD, W4/DJ2HD, W7/DJ2HD, I/DJ2HD, OK/DJ2HD, DA2008LH, DL0KH, DL0IF, SP/DJ2HD, DA2009LH, ZS/DJ2HD, HB0/DJ2HD, DR9A, DL0KHZ, 9M2/DJ2HD, DA0HQ, 7P8DJ, V55V, DA2010LH, DA2011LH, V5/DJ2HD andV55O.

Please visit my homepage:

mail QSL via buro or direct is fine ! But no e-qsl, only the real stuff !!! Please read the instruction below. mail

QSLing instructions
ALL QSL's will be sent automatically after each DXpedition via the buro. So it's not necessary to send me a QSL from your side via buro.
BUT hams who want a direct QSL please note:
EU and outside of EU ==> 2 green stamps or 1 IRC + SAE via DJ2HD home address. In case you send no SAE on your direct request I will send the QSL via buro.
Also please don't match any different calls together. Otherwise I send the QSL of the letter sender directly and the other calls via buro.
ALL direct requests which don't fulfill the above description will be sent via buro.


4S7NE(Sri Lanka) on 40m LSB!!!

4S7NE(Sri Lanka) on 40m LSB!!!

4S7NE Sri Lanka flag Sri Lanka 
Nelson Ranasinghe
18 Katana Housing Scheme
Demanhandiya 11270
Sri Lanka

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   173761 Ham Member

20130110 1919UTC 7153kHz 4S7NE

Date : 10/Jan/2013 1919UTC 
Freq : 7153kHz LSB
Rig  : SDR(PI4THT)
ANT  : Mini-Whip(PAØRDT)
PC recording

How Big!!!  big big pileup!!!

Prefer if QSLs could be sent by registered Post to the above address to avoid getting lost in the mail . Please send UNREGISTERED MAIL to the address below. Do not send Self Addressed Envelopes to this address as the QSLs will be posted from 4S7. Please indicate address if not ok in QRZ.COM For your information the Air Mail Postage in Sri Lanka has been doubled from 1st November 2011. I do not have QSL Managers.
There is a Pirate in your area using my call as I have received many QSLs for QSOs I did not make which included days when I was QRT. So if anyone hear 4S7NE with a big signal please get the QSO confirmed before sending QSL by e/mail.
Nelson Ranasinghe
140,Armitage Drive,
N.S.W 2761

Lookups173761 (213053)
QRZ Admin4S7NE
Last Update2008-09-24 11:21:37
Latitude7.297088 (7° 17' 49'' N)
Longitude80.024414 (80° 1' 27'' E)
Grid SquareNJ07ah
Geo SourceUser supplied
Bearing254.9° WSW (from JJ5IZX)
Distance3877.0 mi (6239.4 km)
Long Path20979.9 mi (33763.8 km)
Sunrise00:52:17 UTC
Sunset12:34:39 UTC
Web Page
Admin For(1) 4S7NE
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

Tea time AFN LOS ANGELES Diego Garcia at 4319kHz USB!!

Tea time AFN LOS ANGELES Diego Garcia at 4319kHz USB!!

20130110 1847UTC 4319kHz AFN Diego Garcia
Date : 10/Jan/2012 1847UTC 
Freq : 4319kHz USB
Rig  : ICOM IC-7200
ANT  : LOOP(for 20m not enough Gain)
PC Recording

Good Morning OM!!

The American Forces Network (AFN) is the brand name used by the United States Armed Forces Radio andTelevision Service[1] (AFRTS, commonly pronounced "A-farts")[2][3][4][5] for its entertainment and command internal information networks worldwide. The AFN worldwide radio and television broadcast network serves American service men and women, Department of Defense and other US government civilians and their families stationed at bases overseas, as well as U.S. Navy ships at sea. AFN broadcasts popular American radio and television programs from the major U.S. networks. It is sometimes referred to as the Armed Forces Network. AFRTS, American Forces Network and AFN are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Defense.

Shortwave (USB)

  • Diego Garcia:
    • 12,579 kHz daytime
    • 4,319 kHz nighttime
  • Guam:
    • 13,362 kHz daytime
    • 5,765 kHz nighttime
  • Key West, Florida: (decommissioned)
    • 12,133.5 kHz day & night
    • 7,811.0 kHz day & night
    • 5,446.5 kHz day & night
  • Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (site currently out of service):
    • 10,320 kHz daytime
    • 6,350 kHz nighttime