Wednesday, December 12, 2012

5G12ITD(Morocco) on 40m RTTY!!!

5G12ITD(Morocco) on 40m RTTY!!!

QSL image for 5G12ITD
From 11/16/2012
To 12/16/2012

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   20646
Email: QSL: RW6HS

20121211 2057UTC 7041kHz 5G12ITD

Date : 11/Dec/2012 2057UTC 
Freq : 7041kHz RTTY(about at 800Hz) 
PC recording

In 1996, the UN General Assembly (by resolution 51/95) invited UN Member States to observe the International Day for Tolerance on 16 November, with activities directed towards both educational establishments and the wider public.

This action followed on the United Nations Year for Tolerance, 1995, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993 at the initiative of UNESCO, as outlined in the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance and Follow-up Plan of Action for the Year.

The 2005 World Summit Outcome document (A/RES/60/1) furthered the commitment of Heads of State and Government to advance human welfare, freedom and progress everywhere, as well as to encourage tolerance, respect, dialogue and cooperation among different cultures, civilizations and peoples.

A SPECIAL CALL 5G12ITD (INTERNATIONAL TOLERANCE DAY) will be activated from Morocco starting on 11/16/2012 to 12/16/2012 in all bands and all mods.

Chaque année le 16 novembre, la communauté internationale célèbre la Journée internationale de la tolérance avec des activités qui s'adressent à la fois aux établissements d'enseignement et au grand public.

L’Assemblée générale a instauré cette journée par sa résolution 51/95 du 12 décembre 1996, faisant suite à l'Année 1995 pour la tolérance proclamée par l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies à l'initiative de la Déclaration de principes sur la tolérance de l’UNESCO adoptée en 1995.

Dans le document final du Sommet mondial de 2005, les chefs d'États et de Gouvernements s'engagent à élargir partout le bien-être humain, la liberté et le progrès, et à encourager la tolérance, le respect, le dialogue et la coopération entre les différentes cultures, civilisations et populations.

Un indicatif spécial 5G12ITD sera activé par les radioamateurs marocains dans le cadre de journée international pour la tolérance, cet indicatif sera actif toutes bandes tous modes depuis le 16/11/2012 au 16/12/2012.

في عام 1996 دعت الجمعية العامة الدول الأعضاء إلى الاحتفال باليوم الدولي للتسامح في 16 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر ، من خلال القيام بأنشطة ملائمة توجه نحو كل من المؤسسات التعليمية وعامة الجمهور (القرار 51/95 (ملف بصيغة الـ PDF، المؤرخ 12 كانون الأول/ ديسمبر).

وجاء هذا الإجراء في أعقاب إعلان الجمعية العامة في عام 1993 بأن يكون عام 1995 سنة الأمم المتحدة للتسامح (القرار 48/126 (ملف بصيغة الـ PDF). وأعلنت هذه السنة بناء على مبادرة من المؤتمر العام لليونسكو في 116 تيشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 1995، حيث اعتمدت الدول الأعضاء إعلان المبادئ المتعلقة بالتسامح و خطة عمل متابعة سنة الأمم المتحدة للتسامح (ملف بصيغة الـ PDF.

توجز وثيقة نتائج مؤتمر القمة العالمي لعام 2005 (A/RES/60/1 (ملف بصيغة الـ PDF) ، التزام الدول الأعضاء والحكومات بالعمل على النهوض برفاه الإنسان وحريته وتقدمه في كل مكان ، وتشجيع التسامح والاحترام والحوار والتعاون فيما بين مختلف الثقافات والحضارات والشعوب.

Operators (alphabetically)
TRX: TS-480sat
Ant: hygain AVQ12 10/15/20 mtr vertical
Ant: Delta loop 10 to 40
Ant: DH6 ECO 4 elem
Ant: 4 elem Cushcraft A4-S
Ant: .
Ant: Zepp antenna 10 to 80
Ant: Verical 10 to 40m
Ant: antenne cush craft r7000
Ant: HY-GAIN TH2-MK3 YAGI 2 ELEM 10 15 20m
Ant: Dipole multi bande 2 X 20m 10-80

Morocco (Arabicالمغرب‎ al-Maghrib ; Berberⴰⵎⵕⵕⵓⴽ or ⵍⵎⴰⵖⵔⵉⴱ[7] Ameṛṛuk or LmaġribFrenchMaroc), officially the Kingdom of Morocco,[2] is a country located in North Africa. It has a population of over 32 million and an area of 446,550 km² (710,850 km² with Western Sahara). Morocco also administers most of the disputed region of the Western Sahara as the Southern Provinces. Morocco remains the only African state not to be a member of the African Union due to its unilateral withdrawal on November 12, 1984 over the admission of theSahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) in 1982 by the African Union as a full member without the organization of a referendum of self-determination in the disputed territory of Western Sahara. Arabic name al-Mamlakat al-Maghribiyyah (المملكة المغربية) translates to "The Western Kingdom". Al-Maghrib (المغرب), meaning "The West", is commonly used. For historical references, medieval Arab historians and geographers used to refer to Morocco as al-Maghrib al-Aqṣá (المغرب الأقصى, "The Farthest West"), disambiguating it from neighboring historical regions called al-Maghrib al-Awsaṭ (المغرب الأوسط, "The Middle West", Algeria) and al-Maghrib al-Adná (المغرب الأدنى, "The Nearest West", Tunisia).[6]
Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament. The King of Morocco holds vast executive and legislative powers, including the power to dissolve the parliament. Executive power is exercised by the governmentbut the king's decisions usually override those of the government if there is a contradiction. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the two chambers of parliament, the Assembly of Representatives and theAssembly of Councillors. The king can also issue decrees called dahirs which have the force of law. The latestParliamentary elections were held on November 25, 2011, and were considered by some neutral observers to be mostly free and fair. Voter turnout in these elections was estimated to be 43% of registered voters. The political capital of Morocco is Rabat, although the largest city is Casablanca; other major cities include Marrakesh,TetouanTangierSaléFesAgadirMeknesOujdaKenitra, and Nador.
The Moroccan economy is generally diverse but very fragile. About 40% of Moroccans cannot read or write, and the country has high levels of extreme poverty and health care deprivation. Morocco also has a high level ofeconomic inequality. The unemployment rates under the highly educated as well as the unskilled are very high and cause consistent social unrest in many cities and villages. In 2011, the UN's Human Development Index ranked Morocco as the 130th most developed country in the world.
Almost all Moroccans speak BerberMoroccan Arabic, or French as mother tongues. Hassaniya Arabic, sometimes considered as a variety of Moroccan Arabic, is spoken in the southern provinces (Western Sahara) in the country by a small population.

EA8CYQ(Canary Islands) on 40m RTTY!!!

EA8CYQ(Canary Islands) on 40m RTTY!!!

EA8CYQ Canary Islands flag Canary Islands RAFA CAMARERO ALONSO
Pintor Felo Monzon, 27A Portal 4. 4ºC

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   9570 Ham Member
Email: Use mouse to view.. QSL: VIA BURÓ O DIRECTA, PLEASE NO E-QSL, NO LOTW

20121211 2050UTC 7041kHz EA8CYQ
Date : 11/Dec/2012 2031UTC 
Freq : 7041kHz RTTY(about at 1700Hz) 
PC recording




ZD7FT(St Helena Island) on 40m LSB!!!

ZD7FT(St Helena Island) on 40m LSB!!!

ZD7FT St Helena Island flag St Helena Island Peter Constantine
PO. Box 33
Jamestown, St. Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean, STHL 1ZZ
St Helena Island

[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   238428

20121211 2031UTC 7140kHz ZD7FT
Date : 11/Dec/2012 2031UTC 
Freq : 7140kHz LSB 
PC recording

I was first licenced in March 1973.  I came on the air with a Heathkit HW-101 Transceiver and a G5RV antenna.  The HW 101 was later replaced with a Yaesu FT-101B Transceiver, and a home made 3 Band 2 Element Cubical Quad completed the antenna farm.In 1977 other pursuits had to be given priority, and I became inactive.  I sold my station in the same year and I was QRT.  I never imagined at the time, it would be 27 years before I would be back on the air again.
In January 2004 I was able to return to the hobby.  My Station comprised of an Icom-746, and once again a G5RV antenna.  What a joy it was to be back on the air!  Later, a Carolina Windom 80, and a Carolina Windom 80 Special replaced the G5RV.
Having retired in October 2006 after a 44-year career in the Public Service, I now have more time to play radio.  There have also been a number of changes to the station since 2004 as well.
My current station comprises – a 5 Band Heavy Duty Spiderbeam at 10 meters above ground. (I still have my Carolina Windoms).  A Yaesu FT-950, and a Yaesu FT-450.
Since putting up the Spiderbeam, entries in my log have certainly increased from the many pile-ups I have been in.  My favourites bands are 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters.  I also get on 40 meters occasionally.

I do not chase DX.  I have no need to really.  I work whoever comes along.  I simply enjoy giving Hams a chance to put a ZD7 in their logs.  I respond to all requests for QSL Cards providing they are accompanied by 2 US Dollars (or Euro or Sterling notes) and an SAE.   PLEASE! do not send coins or stamps.  AND do not QSL via VE1AIH who was my QSL Manager.  (He is now a Silent Key anyway).  Getting a card back to you could take 3-8 weeks, this is beyond my control, as ZD7 land does not have an air service.  So please be patient.
If you want information about ZD7 Land you can visit the following websites:

73s Peter ZD7FT

Saint Helena (play /ˌsnt həˈlnə/ saynt-hə-lee-nə), named after Saint Helena of Constantinople, is an island ofvolcanic origin in the South Atlantic Ocean. It is part of the British overseas territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha[3] which also includes Ascension Island and the islands of Tristan da Cunha. Saint Helena measures about 16 by 8 kilometres (10 by 5 mi) and has a population of 4,255 (2008 census).[2]
The island was uninhabited when discovered by the Portuguese in 1502. It is one of the most isolated islands in the world. For centuries, it was an important stopover for ships sailing to Europe from Asia and South Africa. The British also used the island as a place of exile, most notably for Napoleon IDinuzulu kaCetshwayo and more than 5,000 Boer prisoners. Saint Helena is Britain's second oldest remaining colony (now termed overseas territory), after Bermuda.

Tea time..AFN LOS ANGELES Diego Garcia at 4319kHz USB!!

Tea time..AFN LOS ANGELES Diego Garcia at 4319kHz USB!!

20121211 2025UTC 4319kHz AFN LOS ANGELES Diego Garcia
Date : 11/Dec/2012 2025UTC 
Freq : 4319kHz USB 
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
ANT : LOOP(for 20m,,not enough gain)
PC recording

The American Forces Network (AFN) is the brand name used by the United States Armed Forces Radio andTelevision Service[1] (AFRTS, commonly pronounced "A-farts")[2][3][4][5] for its entertainment and command internal information networks worldwide. The AFN worldwide radio and television broadcast network serves American service men and women, Department of Defense and other US government civilians and their families stationed at bases overseas, as well as U.S. Navy ships at sea. AFN broadcasts popular American radio and television programs from the major U.S. networks. It is sometimes referred to as the Armed Forces Network. AFRTS, American Forces Network and AFN are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Defense.

Shortwave (USB)

  • Diego Garcia:
    • 12,579 kHz daytime
    • 4,319 kHz nighttime
  • Guam:
    • 13,362 kHz daytime
    • 5,765 kHz nighttime
  • Key West, Florida: (decommissioned)
    • 12,133.5 kHz day & night
    • 7,811.0 kHz day & night
    • 5,446.5 kHz day & night
  • Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (site currently out of service):
    • 10,320 kHz daytime
    • 6,350 kHz nighttime

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

V31NO(Belize) on 40m CW!!!

V31NO(Belize) on 40m CW!!!

V31NO Belize flag Belize Doug Stark


[+] Mailing label
Lookups:   7177

20121211 1321UTC 7014.9kHz V31NO
Date : 11/Dec/2012 1321UTC 
Freq : 7014.9kHz CW
Rig : ICOM IC-7200
ANT : LOOP(for 20m..not enough gain)
PC recording

DXpedition to Placencia, Belize by W3NO and K3RV

Lookups7177 (9412)
Last Update2006-03-31 18:38:44
Geo SourceFrom DXCC
Bearing45.6° NE (from JJ5IZX)
Distance7958.1 mi (12807.4 km)
Long Path16898.7 mi (27195.8 km)
Sunrise12:14:08 UTC
Sunset23:22:12 UTC
Apply for a new Vanity callsign...

Belize Listeni/bəˈlz/, formerly British Honduras, is a country located on the north eastern coast of Central America. It is the only country in the area where English is the official language, although Kriol and Spanish are more commonly spoken. Belize is bordered to the north by Mexico, to the south and west by Guatemala and to the east by the Caribbean Sea. Its mainland is about 290 kilometres (180 mi) long and 110 kilometres (68 mi) wide.
With 22,960 square kilometres (8,860 sq mi) of land and a population of only 312,698 inhabitants (2010 census),[1]Belize possesses the lowest population density in Central America.[4] The country's population growth rate of 3.15% (2012 est.)[5] is the second highest in the region and one of the highest in the western hemisphere. Belize's abundance of terrestrial and marine species, and its diversity of ecosystems give it a key place within the globally significant Mesoamerican Biological Corridor.[6]
Belize has a diverse society, comprising many cultures and languages. It is the only nation in the region with aBritish colonial heritage, but as a part of the Western Caribbean Zone, it also shares a common heritage with the Caribbean portions of other Central American countries. In general, Belize is considered to be a Central American nation with strong ties to both the Caribbean and Latin America. Belize is a member of the Caribbean Community(CARICOM), the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), and Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA).