20151213 0740UTC 14008kHz OD5PY Date : 13/Dec/2015 0740UTC Freq : 14008kHz CW Rig : SDR(PI4THT) ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) PC recording
Autism Facts: • Autism is a developmental disorder. • Autism appears within the first 3 years of life. • The cause of Autism has not been identified. • A cure for Autism is not available. • Today 1 in 68 children has some form of Autism.
Signs of Autism: • Lack or delay in spoken language. • No eye contact. • No finger pointing. • Repetitive behavior. • Lack of interest in peer relationships. • No imaginative playing.
Early intervention can help: • Speech & Behavior (ABA) therapies. • Gluten Free Casein Free Diet (GFCF). • Integration in school & society.
(Frank) Francis HUGON
36 route de Trégourez
CORAY 29370
QSL: Eqsl - Lotw - direct or via buro
Email: Use mouse to view..
XML SubscriberLookups: 45501
20151203 0912UTC 14205kHz F5PAU Date : 03/Dec/2015 0912UTC Freq : 14205kHz USB Rig : SDR(PI4THT) ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) PC recording
73' to all. My name is Francis (Frank).....Retired, living on Coray west coast of France in Bretagne. My village Coray is a very quiet QTH with nice clear reception. My activity focuses on following bands of frequencies: 6 m and 10,12,15,17,20 meters. I often present in morning on 20 m antenna beaming to pacific by long pass. Qsl card: Eqsl , Lotw , direct or via buro. I hope to have the pleasure to contact you. Best 73.... Francis F5PAU. Member of REF N° 48044 and Clipperton Dx Club.N° 1487. My working conditions are: QRV: 6 Meter... 6 ele beam ZX YAGI at 20 m. Yaesu FT950 QRV: 2 Meters.17 ele beam M2 at 22 m. Yaesu FT736 QRV : deca . (4cx1500 home made) Yeasu FT950-FT990 160-80-40 : Levy antenna 2x20 m at 12 m 20-17-15-12-10 : DJ2UT-(8 ele- 5 band) XP507 at 18 m Log : VQLog3.10- Cluster DXTelnet-ARS (EA4TX) Tower : 18 meters aluminiun telescopic tilting De Kerf. Rotator : KR2800 sdx Kenpro. DXCC: 80m ssb : 63- 40m ssb : 109 - 20m ssb: 286 - 17m ssb : 242- 15m ssb : 267 - 12m ssb: 231- 10m ssb:241 - 6m ssb : 132 -Total DXCC : 304 Locators squares : 50 Mhz : 863 - 144 Mhz : 308 - 432 Mhz : 120 - 1296 Mhz : 89 - 2320 Mhz : 4 - 10 Ghz : 16 - EME 1296 Mhz 156 .
20151203 0840UTC 10107kHz OM2015TITANIC Date : 03/Dec/2015 0840UTC Freq : 10107kHz CW Rig : SDR(PI4THT) ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) PC recording
On the occasion of the world exhibition TITANIC the occasional station OM2015TITANIC will be transmitting from exhibition Incheba Expo in Bratislava in days from 12.08 to 31.12.2015. The transmitting will be realized by services CW, SSB and Digi. There are many of original artefacts, set of exhibits which were parts of liner equipment as parts of furniture, porcelain and personal items of passengers on the expo Titanic. Thanks to the precise reconstruction of cabins, machine room or dining room you can experience the atmosphere of luxuries and technical progress of that fascinating epoch. The Miro OM3CU added to the expo his handmade model of Titanic liner radio station.
Pri príležitosti konania svetovej výstavy TITANIC vo výstavisku Incheba Expo v Bratislave bude vysielať stanica pod značkou OM2015TITANIC od 12.8. do 31.12.2015. Vysielanie bude prevádzkami CW, SSB a Digi. Na výstave Titanic je množstvo originálnych artefaktov, séria exponátov, ktoré boli súčasťou vybavenia lode, kusy nábytku, porcelán a osobné predmety cestujúcich. Vďaka dokonalej rekonštrukcii kajút, strojovne alebo jedálne vdýchnete atmosféru prepychu a technického pokroku tohto fascinujúceho obdobia. Výstavu doplnil aj Miro OM3CU o exponát vlastnoručne vyrobenej makety lodnej rádiostanice Titaniku.
6675607 Last modified: 2015-08-30 07:26:12, 1992 bytes
20151126 0704UTC 14024.9kHz 9X0NH Date : 26/Nov/2015 0704UTC Freq : 14024.9kHz CW Rig : SDR(PI4THT) ANT : Mini-Whip(PAORDT) PC recording
Home call G3RWF QRV Mar 13, Nov 13 Mar 14 and Nov/Dec 15. Located on outskirts of Kigali looking to the North. 2015 operation - have K3,KPA500 and hexbeam. No 6m or 160m - sorry Please do NOT ask me to check my log to see if you are in it unless you have first checked Club log and LOTW which are uploaded daily. Usual QSL arrangements - including OQRS via Clublog.
My card is shown here - sorry but I always look like that in the morning after a 40M pile-up! I do all my own QSLing and I do not use e-QSL.Bureau is also OK (but slow of course). 73 Nick G3RWF/9X0NH
6874616 Last modified: 2015-11-22 20:32:56, 1581 bytes
I love hunting for DX stations and counting my worked/confirmed DXCC entities! So, if I told you "Thanks for a new one", you should know you made my day!
Less than 70 DXCC entities to go!!!!!!
DX Peditions/DX entities hoping to work this year (2015): Navasa Island, Cocos Island, Iran,St Pierre & Miquelon, Dem Rep Congo, Eritrea, Juan Fernandez Island, Nepal, Spratly Islands, Trindade & Martin Vaz Island, Cocos Keeling, Tuvalu, Chesterfield Island, Equatorial Guinea, Willis Island, Franz Josef Land, Comoros, Iraq, UN.
DX entities I tried but could not work in 2015: Botswana, Mount Athos, Bhutan, Agalega & Brandon and St Peter & St Paul Rocks. It gets harder and harder to catch new ones!
November 2015: DXCC entities: worked 277, confirmed 274.
October 2015: DXCC entities: worked 275, confirmed 271.
September 2015: DXCC entities: worked 273, confirmed 268.
July 2015: DXCC entities: worked 270, confirmed 263.
May 2015: DXCC entities: worked 267, confirmed: 254
April 2015: DXCC entities: worked 265, confirmed: 253
February 2015: Upgraded my ham radio license to Extra (the highest ham license in US). Became a VE (Volunteer Examiner). QSQ #1000 with YO8ST. DXCC entities: worked 252, confirmed: 243
January 2015: DXCC entities: worked 243, confirmed: 227
December 2014: DXCC entities worked: 241, DXCC entities confirmed: 218
November 2014: DXCC entities worked: 215, DXCC entities confirmed: 185
August 2014: DXCC entities worked: 146, DXCC entities confirmed: 93. Proud owner of a new Elecraft K3. It took 1 month of work to assemble (even with no soldering involved)!
July 2014: First paper QSL received from PJ7/WA6WXD
April 2014: DXCC worked: 8, DXCC confirmed: 0. DXCC #1: first QSO with K2LS
March 2014: KO8SCA vanity call was issued to me
I am a member of the following ham radio organizations: ARRL, LIDXA, NCDXF, RSGB, WE2OEM Equipment:
Main rig: Elecraft K3 with 100W out. Great radio! (http://www.elecraft.com/)
Begali Magnetic Traveler Light iambic key. The workmanship on this key is amazing! I am truly impressed. (http://www.i2rtf.com/html/traveler_light.html)
Power supply: ALINCO DM-330MV (http://www.alinco.com/Products/DM330MVE/)
Backup Equipment:
Backup rig: Yaesu FT-840 with 100W out. Old but works great!
Backup transmatch: MFJ-929. Small and fast. I could not ask for more.
Backup CW Electronic Keyer Paddle: MFJ-422D
Base antennas:
AlphaDelta DX-20: 20M monoband dipole
W8AMZ ½ Wave 10M monoband dipole
QRV antennas:
Spyderbeam (http://www.spiderbeam.com/). This is a DXpeditioner's dream antenna.
Radioworks Carolina Windom 80. Impressive performance on 80M to 10M bands. Too bad it is too large to install it in my apartment!
Cuschcraft TEN-3: 3 element Yagi, monoband (10M only). A piece of art. Works like a charm!
KO8SCA QSL card:
If you mail me a QSL to my QRZ.com address you get mine in return 100%. No need for IRC or $$$. But, please include SAE to make it easier for me.
All QSLs received via the QSL Bureau are confirmed 100% via the QSL Bureau.
I upload all my QSOs to LoTW so you get the QSO confirmed right away, when you upload yours.
Sorry, no eQSL.
I've got my first ham radio license when I turned 16. Callsigns I used in the past: YO8SCA, KC2FQU, VP5SCA, VP5/KO8SCA.
SK6AW.NET DX Cluster:
Time around the world:
Current propagation status:
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